Our 24/7 prayer adventure<http://www.clevedonbaptistchurch.org/prayerpopup> begins at 3pm this Sunday - a week of continuous prayer flowing from a pop-up shop in Queen's Square. Sign up for your own hour-long slot here<https://www.24-7prayer.com/signup/ca6aea> (we especially need some night-time prayer warriors to step up please!). Do be praying for the week that God will protect it as it unfolds; that he will make his presence felt tangibly to all those who come through the doors; and that the week will catalyse a deepening of our prayer, unity, witness and mission in the town.
We'll be launching the week at 3pm in the shop on Sunday. Come along to see the space and join us for an hour of praise and prayer at the start of the journey. For other events that will be going on during the week visit the website here<http://www.clevedonbaptistchurch.org/prayerpopup>.
If you're able to help us set up, we're clearing the shop this Thursday (13th), and putting it back together on Monday 24th Sep from 9am. There's lots to move, but many hands make light work! We'll provide some sandwiches for lunch. Please contact Phil to let him know if you're able to help: 07845283952 / phil.j.durrant@gmail.comphil.j.durrant@gmail.com>